The Academy Council works very closely with the Headteacher in a positive and highly effective partnership and has a vital role to play in making sure that each of our learners receives the best possible education.

Shaw Education Trust operates two models of local governance, Tottington High School operates under SET & Local Board terms.

Matters related to education, standards and performance are undertaken through the Progress Board.

Matters related to operational issues are undertaken through the Team Around the School Meeting.

We meet our duty to engage and consult with parents through local governance through the Local Advisory Board.

The Chair of the Progress Board and Team Around the School is Lee Barber who can be contacted via Beth Barlow at

The Chair of the Local Advisory Board is Chris Trees.

Statutory information

The Academy Council is a group made up of representatives appointed by the Shaw Education Trust, parents, staff members and the local community. Councillors are appointed for a period of four years and conduct a full meeting at least once a term – specialist sub committees meet at regular intervals.

The Academy Councillors, in conjunction with the Headteacher, ensure that the school’s education provision is dynamic through a process of continuous review. The Academy Council is responsible for addressing the special needs of the school in respect of the buildings and equipment and liaising with the Shaw Education Trust on any issues relating to the conduct of the school.

The Academy Councillors, Headteacher and staff work closely together and the school’s achievements are largely a measure of the dedication and competence of the head teacher and the staff with the commitment and support of the Academy Council.

Academy councillors




Brenda Fairhurst


Date of appointment: 01/04/2019
Area of Responsibility: n/a
Chair of: n/a
Subject Link: Maths
Business interest: No
Financial interest: No
Governance role in other school: No
Leave date: n/a

Charles Grosstephen


Date of appointment: 08/12/2021
Area of Responsibility: n/a
Business interest: No
Financial interest: No
Governance role in other school: No
Leave date: n/a

Amy Perrigo

Support Staff

Date of appointment: 01/02/2019
Area of Responsibility: n/a
Chair of: n/a
Subject Link: Maths
Business interest: No
Financial interest: No
Governance role in other school: No
Leave date: n/a

Janet Turner

Co-opted and Vice Chair

Date of appointment: 01/04/2019
Areas of Responsibility: Pupil Premium
Chair of: Vice Chair of Academy Council, Chair of Standards, Staff Discipline Appeals Committee, Chair of Exclusions Appeals
Subject Link: Technology & Art
Business interest: No
Financial interest: No
Governance role in other school: No
Leave date: n/a

Chris Trees

Appointed and Chair

Contact: c/o Tottington High School
Date of appointment: 29/03/2021
Area of Responsibility: Pupil Premium
Chair of: Academy Council
Subject Link: English and Languages
Business interest: No
Financial interest: No
Governance role in other school:
Bury College,
Bury Educational Trust
Leave date: n/a

Historic (left within last 12 months)

Abi Clark


Date of appointment: 08/10/17
Area of Responsibility: Staff & Safeguarding
Chair of: Vice chair resources
Subject Link: PE & Performing Arts
Business interest: No
Financial interest: No
Governance role in other school: No
Leave date: 08/10/21

Neville Kenyon


Date of appointment: 29/03/2021
Area of Responsibility: Schools Forum
Chair of: Staff discipline committee, exclusions committee
Subject Link: Personal Development
Business interest: No
Financial interest: No
Governance role in other school: No
Leave date: 26/01/22

Robert Sloss


Date of appointment: 01/04/2019
Area of Responsibility: Safeguarding & SEN
Chair of: n/a
Subject Link: Computing
Business interest: No
Financial interest: No
Governance role in other school: No
Leave date: 06/06/2022

Devin Cassidy


Date of appointment: 22/01/2020
Area of Responsibility: n/a
Chair of: n/a
Subject Link: Science & Geography
Business interest: No
Financial interest: No
Governance role in other school: No
Leave date: n/a

Karen Ralph


Date of appointment: 08/10/17
Area of Responsibility: n/a
Chair of: Vice chair standards
Subject Link: n/a
Business interest: No
Financial interest: No
Governance role in other school: No
Leave date: 13/07/2022

Committee Members

Finance, Audit, Risk & Resources Committee

John Searle (Chair)
Ella Brett
Janet Turner
Brenda Fairhurst
Chris Trees
Robert Sloss
Amy Perrigo
Devin Cassidy

Education Standards & Performance Committee

Janet Turner (Chair)
Ella Brett
Brenda Fairhurst
Chris Trees
Iain Gartside
Dominque Parnell
Devin Cassidy

Staff Discipline Committee

Chris Trees (Chair)
Plus 2 non-staff Councillors

Staff Discipline Appeals Committee

Janet Turner (Chair)
Plus 2 non-staff Councillors

Exclusions Panel

Chris Trees (Chair)
Plus 2 non-staff Councillors

Exclusions Appeal Panel

Janet Turner (Chair)
Plus 2 non-staff Councillors

Pay Committee

Chris Trees (Chair)
Ella Brett

Complaints Committee

Chris Trees (Chair)
Plus 2 other Councillors

Complaints Appeal Committee

Janet Turner (Chair)
Plus 2 other Councillors

Representative Councillors

Pupil Premium Councillor: Janet Turner
Safeguarding Children’s Councillor: Robert Sloss
SEN Liaison Councillor: Chris Trees
Web Site Statutory Content: Chris Trees
Racial Equality Councillor: Janet Turner
BGA Link Councillor: Janet Turner
Pupil Premium Link Councillor: Janet Turner