The Shaw Education Trust wishes to provide all students the best possible educational opportunities available within the funds allocated by the Education and Skills Funding Authority.

The law states that education during normal academy hours is free of any compulsory charge to parents/carers, and the Trust is committed to uphold the legal requirements. However, educationally valuable activities have been and will continue to be dependent on financial contributions in whole or in part from parents/carers.

The Trust’s concern is to keep financial contributions to a reasonable minimum, and to ensure as far as possible that all children are able to take part, irrespective of their circumstances.

The law recognises that charges may be made to parents/carers in certain defined circumstances – provided that the Trusts academies have identified the activities for which charges will be made, and has explained the basis on which charges may be reduced or waived for certain students.

Charges and Remissions Policy

Updated: 16/05/2022 360 KB